Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Under The Dome

Hi All,

I'm back!!! I would have posted a little sooner, however, I've been going full-on with the book that I've just finished - Stephen King: 'Under the Dome'. I have to admit that on the whole I was disappointed with the way the book turned out. He writes a nice little section at the back that describes his journey of writing the book, which he originally thought up in 1974(I think...). He also thanks his friend who helped him with research throughout the book.
Personally, most of the idea that he came up with and the storyline throughout the book was really top notch. My problem, was that there were far too many mistakes throughout and in general, just lots of stuff that didn't exactly make sense or add up...
Some of these things were as such:
-How could Sam Bushey have that last name when she was at school, when she only acquired it once she married Phil Bushey. (Assuming that they aren't already related....)
-It takes huge industrial fans to blow any air through the dome, so how can they clearly speak to one another??? I was under the impression that noise was created by a change in the frequency in airwaves, but this wouldn't work with the dome blocking it??? (Feel free to correct me, science nerds...)
-Spelling errors in the book, such as at one point 'dope' is written 'rope'. Unless this is a new slang word for dope, it appears to the normal eye as a spelling error.
(There were more errors, but I'm not going to bore you to death!)

All of these little things should have been detected, if not by the proof-readers, but by the editor or at least someone at the publishers. Very poor workmanship....

To top the story off, Stephen King ends up ruining the ending.... I'm not going to give too much away, however, I'm personally never going to recommend this book to anyone else. It was sort of just a huge let-down in the last twenty pages. He winds you up all the way through the book, but then, when you expect there to be a big twist at the end, there just isn't.... Don't get me wrong, it was a great storyline, I just think that I could have finished it off 1ox better.

Anyway, that's all for now. I've got to head off for work. I'll post again soon.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Post and General Overview

Hi Everyone!

This is the first post of my new blog, basically I'm just going to quickly outline what this blog is going to be about.

I'll mainly just natter on about all the little happenings in my life, but I will also be updating, posting comments and talking about the book that I am currently developing. Hopefully this will be semi-interesting and some people will enjoy reading, commenting and giving me feedback on what you think about it all!

Currently I'm reading a book called 'Under the Dome' by Stephen King. I'll post another blog in a day or two when I get it finished.

Anyway, I'm away to watch the latest episode of Doctor Who, yay!

Update you all soon,
